Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. New York Night Train  Kid Congo Powers discusses The Knoxville Girls  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 2. New York Night Train  Kid Congo Powers discusses Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds and his Solo Cholo compilation  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 3. New York Night Train  Kid Congo Powers discusses Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds and his "Solo Cholo" compilation  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 4. New York Night Train  Kid Congo Powers discusses Die Haut and Congo Norvell  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 5. New York Night Train  Kid Congo Powers discusses his musical equipment  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 6. New York Night Train  Kid Congo Powers discusses The Gun Club, Pt 3: The Mother Juno era  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 7. New York Night Train  Kid Congo Powers discusses his years with Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 8. New York Night Train  Kid Congo Powers discusses his collaborations with Khan and Julee Cruise  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 9. New York Night Train  Kid Congo Powers discusses his collaborations with Khan and Julee Cruise  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 10. New York Night Train  Kid Congo Powers discusses side projects and brief collaborations such as The Angels of Light, Mark Eitzel, and The Make-Up  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 11. New York Night Train  Kid Congo Powers discusses side projects and brief collaborations such as The Angels of Light, Mark Eitzel, and The Make-Up  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 12. New York Night Train  Oral History: Kid Congo Powers remembers The Cramps, Pt. 1  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 13. New York Night Train  Oral History: Kid Congo Powers remembers The Gun Club, Pt. 1  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 14. New York Night Train  Oral History: Kid Congo Powers remembers his youth  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 15. New York Night Train  Oral History: Kid Congo Powers remembers The Gun Club, Pt. 2  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 16. New York Night Train  Oral History: Kid Congo Powers remembers The Cramps, Pt. 2  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 17. New York Night Train  Oral History: Kid Congo Powers remembers The Gun Club, Pt. 1  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 18. New York Night Train  Oral History: Kid Congo Powers remembers The Gun Club, Pt. 2  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 19. New York Night Train  Oral History: Kid Congo Powers remembers The Cramps, Pt. 2  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 20. New York Night Train  Oral History: Kid Congo Powers remembers The Cramps, Pt. 1  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 21. New York Night Train  Oral History: Kid Congo Powers remembers The Legendary Stardust Cowboy and The Fur Bible  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 22. New York Night Train  Oral History: Kid Congo Powers remembers The Legendary Stardust Cowboy and The Fur Bible  www.newyorknighttrain.com 
 23. Corey and Joel  Corey and Joel Radio Show #66: Girls, Girls, Girls Part 2  www.coreyandjoelradio.com 
 24. Dark Inside the Sun  This Just In-knoxville-1-10-04   
 25. Dark Inside the Sun  This Just In-knoxville-1-10-04   
 26. Dark Inside the Sun  This Just In-knoxville-1-10-04   
 27. Dark Inside the Sun  This Just In-knoxville-1-10-04   
 28. Charlie Louvin  KnoXVIlle Girl  Charlie Louvin 
 29. Chris Pelton  Streets of Knoxville  Contrary Blues 
 30. Charlie Louvin  KnoXVIlle Girl  Charlie Louvin  
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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